Friday 7 October 2011

Zooming the photo without change in the pixels.?

i want to enlarge a picture to the size of a wallpaper or even more big size but the quality of the picture should not change. i mean that it should not lose the quality by converting into a pixel or anyother difference, bu should retain the same quality even when i zoom it. how should i go about it. any particular software or ideas.please.
Zooming the photo without change in the pixels.?
First of all the photo needs to be cropped in the camera ... that is fill the sensor with only the image you are going to print so you don't waste any of the image later by having to crop. Second shoot in RAW (uncompressed) so you have the maximum amount of image information possible. Third (and this may cost a little more than your budget will support, shoot with a camera with at least a 10 megapixel sensor, more is better, but the cost of the camera body can jump from under $1700 to over $5000 as the pixel count goes up.

Software wise, there are some image interpolation programs out there that will fine tune the images as it gets huge. S-Spline, Genuine Fractals, Lanczos, Bicubic are but a few.
Zooming the photo without change in the pixels.?
there no free software who can do this

but here's a fantastic program that u can use its free trail

goodluck ;)
It's impossible, images are made of pixels, some images has a high resolution (300 dpi, best for printing) [dot per inch] and in 100% preview they look big, and you see part of it on your screen, but once you zoom in you start to see those pixels, but in 72 dpi images (for web and screen browsing) if it has less then 800x600 resolution and you display it on a 1024x768 or higher desktop resolution, you will get a blury image.

Look for a higher resolution image. There are free image websites like where you can download images at no cost. Try it, you will sure find your topic.

Good luck
Try fractal zooming :)
Use any program that uses cubic bipolar interpolation like photoshop for example. There isnt really any other way to enlarge without losing too much quality.